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School Improvement and Quality

Scroll down to see some documents and information you may be interested in if you wish to know about who we are and what we do. Things like our Standards and Quality Reports, Improvement Plans, School Surveys and so on.


Continuous improvement is at the heart of our ethos at Uddingston Grammar School. Our Improvement Plan and Standards and Quality reports are not just documents; they are reflections of our commitment to evolving and enhancing our educational environment in alignment with our core values of COMPASSION, AMBITION, RESPECT, EQUITY, and SUCCESS. In this section, we discuss how our ongoing efforts for improvement are guided by these values and how we adapt and refine our strategies to ensure these values are ever-present and effective in our school.

The most recent will be here for the current Session


HMIe visited us in late February 2024 and their feedback is below;






Below is our Improvement Plan on a page for 2022-25.

improvement plan 2022 25.pdf


Below is our Standards and Quality report on-a-page for session 2023-24

uddingston grammar school snq 2023 24.pdf



Below is our Standards and Quality report on-a-page for session 2022-23

uddingston grammar.pdf

 Standards and Quality report 23/24

Standards and Quality report 22/23

SIP 2022-25 at-a-glance


ugs survey 2022 3.pdf