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Family Engagement Team

At Uddingston Grammar School, we pride ourselves on being part of a learning community where we work collaboratively with parents and carers to support our young people throughout all aspects of their school journey. Embedding a culture of family learning and engagement from the primary transition process through to pupils planning their school leaver destination allows a strong home-school partnership to be formed. 

Our Family Engagement Team work in collaboration with our Senior Leadership Team, Pupil Support Team, Support for Learning and Visual Impairment Team to ensure that our pupils are supported holistically throughout their time at Uddingston Grammar School. Our team also have strong links with our partner primary schools to support the transition process and understand pupil and family needs prior to their transition to the school. 

At the heart of our school community is our nurturing approach to supporting pupils and families who may be facing hardship or times of distress. We deal with all matters in a supportive manner with strict confidentiality where we can understand individual needs and either provide support directly or by contacting external partners. 

You can contact our Family Engagement Team by email on: or by calling our school office on: 01698 805050 and asking to speak with a member of our team. 

Together. Better. Stronger.