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The Early Years’ and Primary ASN (Education) Service

The Early Years and Primary ASN (Education) Team assists the family, Nursery staff and School staff with the development of key strategies for the child so that they can access learning now and for their future education. We aim to minimise the effect, where possible, of a visual impairment through support and advice and also to promote understanding of visual impairment. It is vital for any child who has a visual impairment that early identification and assessment of the child's educational needs take place. This is to ensure that the child meets their developmental milestones and the correct supports are accessed for the child.

The Early Years Visual Impairment Service (Education) is likely to be the first contact that a family has with SLC's Education Department if their child has a visual impairment.

The role of the Early Years’ Visual Impairment Service (Education) is to:

Meet with families to advise and support them with regards to their child's development and learning.

Assess the child's visual acuities and aspects of their functional vision and aspects of their mobility. However, we do not diagnose visual impairments.

Begin the planning process, with the family, key individuals and agencies for the child's transition to Nursery, Pre-School or Primary School.

Liaise with key professionals such as Health Visitors (the Named Person), Educational Psychologists, Nursery & School staff, Habilitation & Mobility services, Health / NHS, partner agencies & organisations.

Provide training, advice and strategies for Nursery and School staff in matters relating to the education and the learning & teaching of children who have a visual impairment.

Ensure that enhanced transitions are planned and in place for the child. This would include making a referral to VIAT.

The Visual Impairment Assessment Team (VIAT) is a Lanarkshire wide multi-agency team which includes QTVIs, teachers, Educational Psychologists, a Link Associate Specialist Community Paediatrician and the Heads of Service of NLC's and SLC's Visual Impairment Services (Education).

Who we support: The Early Years VI Service provides support to the following:

Babies and children from birth to 5 years (or there abouts), who have a visual impairment and who live in South Lanarkshire.

Primary school age children who attend SLC Primary ASN schools.

 The Information Leaflet (accessible through the link below) details:

Who we link with.

The conditions we support.

The conditions for which there would be no need to contact our service, as they would be considered as corrected vision.

The member of staff leading the Early Years and Primary ASN Visual Impairment Service (Education) is:

  • Mr Jordan Black

If you would like to contact the Service then please do so using the contact details below:


Early Years Lead: Mr Jordan Black




Service Manager: Mr Paul Telfer


Telephone 01698 805050

Uddingston Grammar School

Old Glasgow Road,



G71 7BT.

The following resources can be downloaded from the links below. They are: