S4: 2024-25
Dear parent / carers and pupils,
This area of the school website has been set up so that we can share with you information from S4 events such Information Evenings and events.
For example, there may have been a presentation from a School Partner and so we may list items such as that here to make it easy for you to access.
Please, though, continue to use the established formal modes of communication with the school. The School Calendar on our website is also an important resource for knowing what is happening throughout the school year.
Google classes
S4 Google Base Class - pdwjrr4
Senior Phase Revision Google Class - axqvyrm
All S4 should be enrolled in these Google classes as well as their own subject classes
Message in the Base Classroom:
Hi everyone.
I need you ALL to sign up to ACHIEVE - this is an online revision resource we have access to - it is excellent and has all of the N5 and Higher courses with revision notes, examples and questions - I will let all parents/carers know that you need to join this as well.
to join you need to go to the following link:
and you then need to set up an account using an email. Once you do, you will then login and you will need to put in the following code - this recognises you as a pupil in Uddingston. The code is
Once you are in, you then select your courses and you can then start.
Teacher have also been given access so are likely to direct you to this.
Mr McKay
SQA information
(Updated 3rd February 2025)
SQA Subject Information
S4 Parents Evening - 29th January 2025 4.15 - 7pm
Please see below the letter and the electronic appointment booking guide which has also been emailed out
S4 Prelims
Digital Support