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Financial Support

Clothing grants, Free meals, cost of the school day?

Facing redundancy?

Needing a hand with home finances?

Just lost your job?

Need some support and advice?



Uddingston Grammar School has, as part of our core vision, the care of families and our community at its heart. We work with our partners in Skills Development Scotland (SDS) to support our young people into employment, through apprenticeships and permanent employment,  as well as Further and Higher Education every day.

In the current economic climate, many of our families also face unstable financial and employment opportunities, and very often this includes being made redundant.

There are a number of linked sites which offer advice and guidance such as;

Money Matters

Step Change Charity

Money Helper Calculators

We are here to help.

In this section of the website you can find out information and supports to assist you if you are Facing Redundancy and/or are looking for employment.


This section is split into different information points/services;












 The cost of the school day addresses funding and opportunities within school which include:


  • Breakfast/Lunch
  • Uniform
  • Transport
  • Home learning equipment


We have created a list of organisations website links that may help pupils and their families’ access financial support. This list is not extensive and we would love to continue to add to the support networks available, any further suggestions are greatly appreciated.

If you do not have access to the internet or telephone please visit your local library, community centre or Citizens Advice Bureau and make use of their free facilities. All South and North Lanarkshire libraries have active IT Learning Centres offering free internet.



DWP Universal Credit Helpline – 0800 328 5644

Universal Credit is a payment to help with your monthly living costs.  You may qualify for this if you are on a lower income, you are currently out of work or you currently cannot work.

NLC Money Advice Service- 01698 332551,

Our Financial Inclusion Team help North Lanarkshire residents with money advice and welfare benefits. The team includes a combination of debt advisers and welfare rights staff. Services include: rent/mortgage arrears/council tax arrears/payday loans/personal loans/store/credit cards/ gas/electricity arrears.


SLC Money Matters Service – 030 123 1008

This service provides free and confidential information and advice on all social security related benefits, including assistance to complete claim forms, offer benefit checks to ensure people are receiving their full entitlement to benefits and provide a support and representation service to people who have been refused benefits or wish to appeal their claim.  You can also get help and advice on dealing with mortgages, rent, council tax and payment of other household bills.

South Lanarkshire Council clothing grants and free school meals

If you are in receipt of Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Reduction from us there is no need for you to apply online, we will use the information we hold to automatically award free school meals (P4 to S6) and/or school clothing grants (P1 to S6) to eligible families.    

Please note that Single Person Discount on your Council Tax is not classed as Council Tax Reduction. Universal Credit recipients should only apply online if they are not receiving Council Tax Reduction.

Clothing Grant Helpline Address: Finance and Corporate Resources, Systems and Control Team, PO Box 3591 Glasgow, G73 9ED or email

Free School Meals If you are receiving Working Tax Credit and/or Child Tax Credit or Universal Credit we will need to see a copy of your Tax Credit Award Notice (TC602) or your latest Universal Credit online statement. You can attach a scan or photograph of this with your online application form, or post a copy to Finance and Corporate Resources, Systems and Control Team, PO Box 3591, Glasgow G73 9ED.

Free school meals could save you approximately £323 per academic year. Entitlement can be checked at schools from the beginning of term.

To apply for clothing grants and/or free school meals got to:


Citizens Advice Bureau Hamilton – 01698 283477

Citizens Advice Bureau Bellshill and District- 01698 748615

Advice provided by this service is free, independent, confidential, impartial and available to everyone.  Citizens Advice aim to achieve a fairer Scotland where people are empowered and their rights respected.

South Lanarkshire Council School Transport

Secondary schools

SLC provide school transport for secondary school pupils who live two miles or more away from the catchment secondary school by the shortest safe walking route.

Secondary school pupils may also be entitled to free transport:

  • if they live two miles or more from their catchment secondary school by the shortest safe walking route.
  • if they have been recommended for school transport by their doctor and the school medical officer for health reasons
  • if they attend a specialist school or centre recommended by the Council
  • if they have to walk a route which is considered unsafe in relation to the West of Scotland Road Safety Forum guidelines.


To apply go to


Viewcare Project: Foodbank, clothing/Home Bank and Debt Help – 07481559265

Our aim is make positive changes in our communities by providing practical relief from hardship through the distribution of basic emergency essentials. We also offer debt advice to help alleviate the root causes.  

BLAMELESS (Charity) –

Blameless is a charity based in Hamilton Accademical Football Grounds who focus on children and families affected by alcoholism and addiction. Although the website focuses on their amenities they also have a facility to apply for items.


Crisis Grants can provide people with a safety net in the event of a disaster or emergency such as a fire or flood, or if any money has been lost or stolen. Claimants must be on benefits or have a low income. These are one off payments with a maximum of three applications in a rolling year.

Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA)

Education Maintenance Allowance provides financial support of £30 a week for 16 to 19 year olds from low-income households who are continuing in full-time education. EMA can help young people cover basic school costs, such as travel, uniform and additional resources, and reducing financial barriers to accessing school. Young people applying for EMA need information about their parents’ income to prove their eligibility and must complete a learning agreement. Full details about EMA eligibility and how to apply are available on all local authority websites and on


Debt advice

Scotland’s Financial Health Service Find a local money adviser at or use their helpline 0800 707 6696

National Debtline

Free impartial debt advice at or on 0808 808 4000 Benefits check and support


Helps people in financial hardship to gain access to welfare benefits, charitable grants and support services

Housing advice

Shelter Scotland at or on 0808 800 444 Domestic abuse support


ScottIsh Women’s Aid at or 0800 027 1234

The Child Poverty Action Group in Scotland

Advice Line offers free, independent, expert, up-to-date advice and information on the benefits and tax credits system. We welcome enquiries from frontline staff of all levels of experience. Please note that we do not have resources to provide direct advice to people who are claiming benefits but will be able to provide advice to school staff enquiring on a parent or carer’s behalf. 0141 552 0552 Monday to Thursday, 10am – 4pm, Friday 10am – 12 noon or at


Young Scot Card and Free Bus Transport

The Young Scot National Entitlement Card (NEC) is free of charge to 11-to-26-year-olds living in Scotland. Use it for money off the things you love, exclusive Rewards, Proof-of-Age and much more.

Young Persons' (Under 22s) Free Bus Travel

Young people who are 5-21 years old living in Scotland can apply to access free bus travel using their Young Scot National Entitlement Card (NEC).

Please see link below for information on how to apply:

Young Scot National Entitlement Card | Young Scot

In School Facilities

School Uniform Hub

We have a selection of new and nearly new school uniforms/PE kits available for our young people. If you feel you could benefit from this please email your pupil support teacher with size and requirements.

Stationary Hub

We have a variety of new stationary available for our young people to assist with in school and home study.

  • Pencils/Pens
  • Rulers
  • Note books
  • Rubbers/sharpeners
  • Highlighter’s

If you feel you could benefit from this please email your pupil support teacher with your requirements.

Sanitary Products

We have a range of sanitary products available throughout the school, that pupils can utilise. Please see below link on how to order free sanitary products direct to your home.

Access to free sanitary provision - South Lanarkshire Council

Facing Redundancy

Our partners at Skills Development Scotland (SDS) have dedicated resources to help you find employment for the first time, or to get back into employment after a period of redundancy or unemployment.


The first piece of advice we can offer is to sign up on the My World of Work website, run by SDS at. You simply register and this site takes you through lots of different supportive stages and strategies.

My World of Work


Support is offered, free and in confidence, by 



This support is available via PACE (Partnership Action for Continuing Employment) a Scottish Government initiative which brings together a range of organisations who each offer services to assist those in a redundancy situation. All services are free and confidential.                           


The following PACE services are available


  • Information on accessing benefits and Jobcentre Plus vacancy service
  • Individual Career Guidance interview to assist in identifying redundancy transition options  
  • CV and Interview Skills support
  • Labour market Information and job search assistance
  • Welfare Rights advice
  • Tax and money advice
  • Information on Training and Learning opportunities and accessing funding
  • Information on setting up your own business
  • Literacy and numeracy support


Below is a link to youtube which explains what PACE offers. If it does not play, go to the link at



PACE can offer support online via the My World of Work website at


How Pace Can Support You


Go to the website to see what PACE can offer at

Redundancy help


You can also find out about benefits you may be entitled to at

UK benefits

You may have to submit a claim for Universal Credit at

Universal Credit

If you need help making a claim online contact the Universal Credit helpline on

0800 328 5644 or textphone 0800 328 1344.


The Scottish Child Payment is available at

Scottish Child Payment

You may need some support in managing your finances at a time when your income is likely to be affected by redundancy or uncertainty. Support is available from the

Money and Pension service at

Money and Pension Service

You may need some time to reflect and think about your own Mental Health and wellbeing and the NHS Inform site is a good signpost of support

nhs Inform

The Citizens Advice Bureaux also offer free, confidential advice and support and can be found locally at

Local CAB

and their national website is at

citizensadvice scotland

You can look for current vacancies and tailor your search to suit your own needs at

Job Hub

Job Centre Plus

Getting a job

Job hunting

SDS provide lots of guidance and advice at

Positive Steps

Anyone who would like to speak with a careers adviser for career guidance, to discuss retraining or for support with job seeking, CVs or interviews can contact SDS via the redundancy helpline 0800 917 8000


There are lots of supports, from creating a CV to practise for interviews. Have a look below


CV builder

Application form help

You may wish to upskill at this time and there are many free online courses you can apply for at

Learn and train for free


Skills Development Scotland is a one-stop shop to help you get back into employment or indeed should you think of a career change. They are funded by the Scottish Government and their services are free and confidential. 


 South Lanarkshire Council also offer excellent support and guidance to help parents, carers and families find paths into employment. you can access this at

SLC Employment Support

SLC offer job opportunities and training at

Modern Apprenticeships

and in response to Covid 19 they have set up


SLC also offer a variety of volunteering experiences at


SLC also offer careers advice at

Careers Advice

 The best place for all of the employment support available from SLC is at



Financial Support 

In this section we will signpost you to supports available for you and your families. Some are specific to help during the coronavirus period and others are available all year round.

 South Lanarkshire Community Outreach Team have launched a helpline to assist families in finding out what benefits they may be entitled too.

Financial support for low-income families

Financial support

The following financial support is available for people and families on low incomes or who have children entitled to free school meals - this does not include those entitled to universal provision of P1-5 meals:

  • Scottish Child Payment Bridging Payment
  • Scottish Child Payment
  • Free school meals payments during school holidays
  • Free school meals weekend payments

For more information on the financial support available and details on how this will be paid, please access the relevant section using the buttons below.

Scottish Child Payment Bridging Payment

Scottish Child Payment Bridging Payments will be made for each school aged child who receives Free School Meals on the basis of low income in 2022. These payments are funded by the Scottish Government.

Payments will be made quarterly around the start of the Easter, Summer, October and Winter holidays, with £520 originally due to be paid in 2022.  

However, as announced by the First Minister on 10 October 2022, the Scottish Government will provide additional funding to local authorities to enable the Winter Bridging Payment to be doubled in value to £260 for every eligible child.

A full breakdown of future payments is detailed in the table below:



Period of eligibility

Date payment to be made

Winter 2022


30 November to end of term prior to winter break

22 December 2022

The above payments are in addition to support delivered through the continuation of Free School Meals over the school holidays.

Although all P1-5 pupils receive a free school meal, the payments will only be made if you get any of the following benefits and are therefore eligible for free school meals:

  • Income Support
  • Universal Credit (and your earned income is less than £660 as assessed by the Department for Work and Pensions in the assessment period immediately preceding the application for free school meals)
  • Job Seekers Allowance (income based)
  • Employment and Support Allowance (income related)
  • Child Tax Credit only (with a gross annual income less than £17,005 as assessed by HM Revenues and Customs on your Tax Credit Award Notice TC602)
  • Working Tax Credit and Child Tax credit (with a gross annual income less than £7,920) as assessed by HM Revenues and Customs on your Tax Credit Award Notice (TC602)
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

You do not have to apply. If you are eligible the payment will be made automatically to households where a child/young person is in receipt of Free School Meals on the basis of low income.  The payments can be used by families for any purpose as they see fit. There is no expectation that these payments are to be used for any specific purpose.

The payment will be made direct into your bank account using bank details we already have from making the footwear and clothing grant payments, along with the Covid-19 support payments made previously.

In exceptional circumstances we may pay by cheque.

  1. Who is eligible to receive a Scottish Child Payment Bridging Payment?
    A. Any child or young person who attends primary or secondary school (including ASN schools) who is eligible for means tested free school meals, as their parent/carer(s) are in receipt of a qualifying benefit.  For more information on whether you are eligible, see the Free School Mealspage.
  2. Are all children in P1-P5 eligible for the Scottish Child Payment Bridging Payment?
    A. No. Although, all P1 to P5 pupils automatically get a free school meal you will only get this payment if you get any of the benefits listed above. For more information on whether you are eligible, see the Free School Mealspage.
  3. Does the Scottish Child Payment Bridging Payment include pre-school aged children?
    A. No, pre-school aged children are not eligible for this payment. The Scottish Child Payment is available for children under the age of 6 – to find out more about this and to apply please visit the Scottish Child Paymentpage.
  4. Do I need to apply for the Scottish Child Payment Bridging Payment?
    A. No. The payment will be made direct into your bank account using bank details we already have from making the footwear and clothing grant payments, along with the Covid-19 support payments made previously. In exceptional circumstances we may pay by cheque.
  5. When will I receive the £260 Winter 2022 payment?
    A. We aim to have payments issued by Thursday 22 December 2022.
  6. Will I get a payment for each of my children?
    A. Yes, you will receive a payment for each eligible child or young person.
  7. Will this payment affect my claim for Universal Credit?
    A. If you receive Universal Credit, then this payment will be counted as Capital. This will not normally affect the amount you receive unless you have savings or other Capital totalling over £6,000. If you are worried that this payment could impact your Universal Credit award, you should report the payment in your journal by signing in to your Universal Credit accountor by calling the Universal Credit helpline on 0800 328 5644.

This payment will be disregarded in full for other benefits and for income tax purposes.

  1. Where can I find more information on the Scottish Child Payment Bridging Payment?
    A. For more information on the Scottish Child Payment Bridging Payment, please visit the Scottish Governmentwebsite.
  2. I believe I should have received this payment but haven’t.  Who should I contact?
    A. You should use our enquiry form.

If you have any other questions about the Scottish Child Payment Bridging Payment use our enquiry form.


Scottish Child Payment

Please note that changes to the Scottish Child Payment will take effect on 14 November this year. If you are eligible and have responsibility for one or more children aged 6–15 you will need to take action to ensure you receive the support you are entitled to.

The Scottish Child Payment is already being paid by Social Security Scotland for eligible children under the age of 6 in Scotland. From 14 November the payment will become available for eligible children under the age of 16 and will be increased in value to £25 per eligible child per week.

Families already in receipt of Scottish Child Payment and who have older children aged 6-15 will be able to add older children to their existing award, and newly eligible families with children aged 6-15 will be able to apply.

There is no limit to the number of children you can apply for, and receiving Scottish Child Payment will not affect your tax or other benefits.

You will need to take action to apply for the Scottish Child Payment even if you currently receive Bridging Payments. If you are eligible for the Scottish Child Payment, you should apply for it on 14 November or as soon as possible after this date. Delaying your application may result in you losing out on money you would otherwise be entitled to.

Bridging Payments are coming to an end, with the final payment of £260 due in December 2022. No further Bridging Payments will be made once these awards have been made. If you are eligible for a Bridging Payment in December you will still receive it whether or not you have applied for Scottish Child Payment.

Action required – what to do on 14 November

From 14 November you should apply for Scottish Child Payment if you:

  • receive a low-income benefit such as Universal Credit, Tax Credits, or Pension Credit
  • have responsibility for a child or children under the age of 16
  • live in Scotland

You can apply online at Scottish Child Payment -, which should take around 10 to 20 minutes in total. Before applying, you'll need:

  • the dates of birth of any children you have
  • your partner's details, if you have a partner
  • your bank details, if you have an account

If you cannot apply online, you can apply by calling Social Security Scotland free on 0800 182 2222.

Please be aware that lines may be busy, due to the number of children and families who are newly eligible for this benefit, therefore it may take longer than normal for calls to be answered.

Given the large number of children who will become eligible for the Scottish Child Payment, it means that people applying for the first time might need to wait longer than usual to get their award. However, you should not delay making your application. Successful applications will only be awarded from the date they are received.

You should not apply before 14 November for children aged 6-15 as they are not eligible for the Scottish Child Payment before this date.

From 14 November, eligible families and carers can find out more and apply at Scottish Child Payment - or by calling Social Security Scotland free on 0800 182 2222.

  1. When can I apply for Scottish Child Payment for a child aged 6-15?
    On 14 November or as soon as possible after this date. However, you shouldn’t apply before 14 November as your children aged 6-15 are not eligible before this date. It is strongly advised that people apply on the day to ensure they get all the money they are entitled to.
  2. On 14 November, how should I apply for Scottish Child Payment?
    It is strongly advised that people apply online, but Social Security Scotland can also take applications by post or over the phone on 0800 182 2222.

If you need help applying, a large print paper form or you do not want to apply in English then please call the number above. If you're a British Sign Language (BSL) user, you can use the contactSCOTLAND app to contact Social Security Scotland by video relay.

  1. I receive Scottish Child Payment for my child aged under 6. But I also have a child aged 6 or over. What should I do?
    You can add older children to your existing claim through the online Scottish Child Payment form. There’s no need to make a completely new application.
  2. I already receive Scottish Child Payment and my children are all under 6. Do I need to make a new application?
    No, you don’t need to do anything. You will receive Scottish Child Payment at the new rate of £25 per child per week automatically from 14 November.
  3. I have been receiving Scottish Child Payment but my child turns 6 before 14 November. Do I need to re-apply?
    Yes. You should make a new application on 14 November.
  4. Should I apply before 14 November to get my award as soon as possible?
    No. If Social Security Scotland process an application before 14 November, your claim will be refused. It is strongly advised that people apply on the day itself or as soon after that as possible. Your award will be backdated to the date Social Security Scotland receive your application.
  5. I am working. Does that mean I won’t qualify?
    A significant proportion of people who receive qualifying benefits such as Universal Credit or Tax Credits are in work. You can still be eligible for Scottish Child Payment so long as you are in receipt of a qualifying benefit, such as Universal Credit or Tax Credits. Many people in work receive support through social security, see the full list of qualifying benefits.
  6. I am a kinship carer, can I qualify for Scottish Child Payment?
    People who care for children in their family but who aren’t their parents – known as kinship carers – can qualify for Scottish Child Paymentif they meet the eligibility criteria.
  7. I am going to be applying for Scottish Child Payment for the first time on 14 November. Will I automatically qualify for some other benefits?
    From 28 November, Best Start Grant Early Learning Payment and School Age Payment will automatically be awarded to eligible families in receipt of Scottish Child Payment, without the need to apply.

People can learn more about Best Start Grants including their ability to opt-out of having them paid automatically at Scottish Child Payment -

  1. Is there a limit on the number of children for whom I can claim Scottish Child Payment?
    No, there’s no limit. You can apply for any number of eligible children.
  2. I get Bridging Payments. Will I need to apply for Scottish Child Payment?
    Yes. Bridging Payments are administered completely separately to Scottish Child Payment. So, if you are eligible for Scottish Child Payment, you should apply for it in the normal way regardless of whether you get Bridging Payments. You will still get your final Bridging Payment (of £260) in December if you remain eligible at that time.
  3. If I receive Scottish Child Payment, will it affect my tax payments or other benefits?
    No. If you receive Scottish Child Payment, it will not affect any of these things.
  4. My child has turned 16 and their Scottish Child Payment has stopped - is any other support available from the Scottish Government?
    Your child may qualify for Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA), a weekly payment of £30 for eligible 16 to 19 year olds who want to continue learning. Find out more about EMA - financial help for senior pupils

More information is also available via Citizens Advice Scotland’s Money Talk Team who can be contacted on 0800 085 7145. Or you can find out more at Money Talk Team - Citizens Advice Scotland.

  1. How long will it take for the money to reach my bank account?
    It may take some time for Social Security Scotland to process your payment but please be assured they will do so as quickly as they can. The money you receive will usually be backdated to the date that your application is received. There's no need to check on progress by phone once the application is made.
  2. I received Bridging Payments for my 16/17/18 year old. Why can’t I get Scottish Child Payment for them?
    Scottish Child Payment is being extended to under 16 year olds. Unfortunately not everyone who gets Bridging Payments will be eligible for Scottish Child Payment, although overall many more people will be eligible.

Parents with children aged 16-18 should make sure they are receiving all the support they are entitled to such as EMA and speak to the Citizens Advice Scotland’s Money Talk Team who can be contacted on 0800 085 7145. Or you can find out more at Money Talk Team - Citizens Advice Scotland.



The Scottish Government has provided the council with funding for pupils who get free school meals (excluding those entitled to universal provision of P1-5 meals) for the following school holidays:

  • October mid-term break 2022
  • Christmas / New Year 2022-23
  • February 2023 mid-term break
  • Spring break 2023

In line with the level of funding provided to us by the Scottish Government, the October mid-term break 2022 payment (covering 17 – 21 October 2022) will be made on Friday 14 October 2022.

Payment dates for future holiday periods will be confirmed nearer the time. 

Although all P1-5 pupils receive a free school meal in school, in line with Scottish Government funding arrangements the payments referred to above will only be made if you get any of the following benefits and are therefore eligible for free school meals:

  • Income Support
  • Universal Credit (and your earned income is less than £660 as assessed by the Department for Work and Pensions in the assessment period immediately preceding the application for free school meals)
  • Job Seekers Allowance (income based)
  • Employment and Support Allowance (income related)
  • Child Tax Credit only (with a gross annual income less than £17,005 as assessed by HM Revenues and Customs on your Tax Credit Award Notice TC602)
  • Working Tax Credit and Child Tax credit (with a gross annual income less than £7,920) as assessed by HM Revenues and Customs on your Tax Credit Award Notice (TC602)
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

The payment will be made direct into your bank account using bank details we already have from making the footwear and clothing grant payments, along with the Covid-19 support payments made previously.

In exceptional circumstances we may pay by cheque or PayPoint voucher.

  1. Who is eligible to receive a free school meal payment during the school holiday period?
    A. Any household with a child or young person eligible for free school meals who get any of the benefits listed above. This includes primary, secondary and ASN schools. For more information on whether you are eligible, see the Free school mealspage.
  2. Are all children in P1-P5 eligible for this payment?
    A. No. Although all P1 to P5 pupils automatically get a free school meal in school, in line with Scottish Government funding arrangements you will only get this payment if you get any of the benefits listed above. For more information on eligibility see the Free school mealspage.
  3. Does this payment include nursery children?
    A. No, nursery aged children are currently not legally entitled to free school meals. The current statutory entitlement is 600 hours per year and does not include the provision of food. 
  4. When will I receive my payments?
    A. We aim to have payments issued by Friday 14 October 2022. Payment dates for future holiday periods will be confirmed nearer the time. 
  5. Will I get a payment for each of my children?
    A. Yes, you will receive a payment for each eligible child or young person.
  6. Do I need to apply for this payment?
    A. No. The payment will be made direct into your bank account using bank details we already have from making the footwear and clothing grant payments, along with the Covid-19 support payments made previously. In exceptional circumstances we may pay by cheque or PayPoint voucher.
  7. How long do I have to cash-in my PayPoint voucher?
    A. The voucher is valid for 1 month from the date of issue.
  8. How do I redeem my PayPoint voucher?
    A. Your voucher can be redeemed for cash at any PayPoint outlet, of which there are more than 100 across South Lanarkshire. You can find your nearest PayPoint outlet by searching on the PayPoint website.
  9. Can I cash my PayPoint voucher online?
    A. No. PayPoint payment vouchers can only be redeemed from a PayPoint outlet. You can find your nearest PayPoint outlet by searching on the PayPoint website.
  10. I believe I should have received payment and haven’t, who do I contact?
    A. You should use our enquiry form.

If you have any other questions about free school meals during school holidays use our enquiry form.



As part of a package of measures aimed at providing additional financial support to households during the current cost of living crisis, we will provide cash payments to households with children in receipt of free school meals to cover weekend days from the beginning of November 2022, up to the end of March 2023.

In line with the current level of funding provided to cover school holiday periods, payments will be made monthly, with five payments made in total covering November 2022 – March 2023.

A full breakdown of future payments is detailed below:



No. of weekends covered

Payment date

November 2022



4 November 2022

December 2022



2 December 2022

January 2023



To be confirmed

February 2023



To be confirmed

March 2023



To be confirmed

The above payments are in addition to support delivered through the continuation of free school meals over the school holidays.

Payment dates for future weekends will be confirmed nearer the time. 

Although all P1 to P5 pupils receive a free school meal in school, in line with Scottish Government funding arrangements, the payments referred to above will only be made if you get any of the following benefits and are therefore eligible for free school meals:

  • Income Support
  • Universal Credit (and your earned income is less than £660 as assessed by the Department for Work and Pensions in the assessment period immediately preceding the application for free school meals)
  • Job Seekers Allowance (income based)
  • Employment and Support Allowance (income related)
  • Child Tax Credit only (with a gross annual income less than £17,005 as assessed by HM Revenues and Customs on your Tax Credit Award Notice TC602)
  • Working Tax Credit and Child Tax credit (with a gross annual income less than £7,920) as assessed by HM Revenues and Customs on your Tax Credit Award Notice (TC602)
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

The payment will be made directly to your bank account using the details we hold for making the free school meals holiday payments, along with the footwear and clothing grant payments made previously.

In exceptional circumstances, we may pay by cheque or PayPoint voucher.

  1. Who is eligible to receive a free school meal payment during the weekend from November 2022 – March 2023?
    A. Any household with a child or young person eligible for free school meals who get any of the benefits listed above. This includes primary, secondary, and ASN schools. For more information on whether you are eligible, see the Free school mealspage.
  2. Are all children in P1-P5 eligible for this payment?
    A. No. Although all P1 to P5 pupils automatically get a free school meal in school, in line with Scottish Government funding arrangements you will only get this payment if you get any of the benefits listed above. For more information on eligibility see the Free school mealspage.
  3. Does this payment include nursery children?
    A. No, nursery-aged children are not legally entitled to free school meals. The current statutory entitlement is 600 hours per year and does not include the provision of food. 
  4. When will I receive my payments?
    A. We aim to have the November 2022 payments issued by Friday 4 November 2022. Payment dates for future weekend periods will be confirmed nearer the time. 
  5. Will I get a payment for each of my children?
    A. Yes, you will receive a payment for each eligible child or young person.
  6. Do I need to apply for this payment?
    A. No. The payment will be made directly to your bank account using the details held for making the free school meal holiday payments, along with the footwear and clothing grant payments made previously. In exceptional circumstances, we may pay by cheque or PayPoint voucher.
  7. How long do I have to cash-in my PayPoint voucher?
    A. The voucher is valid for 1 month from the date of issue.
  8. How do I redeem my PayPoint voucher?
    A. Your voucher can be redeemed for cash at any PayPoint outlet. There are more than 100 across South Lanarkshire. You can find your nearest PayPoint outlet by searching the PayPoint website.
  9. Can I cash my PayPoint voucher online?
    A. No. PayPoint payment vouchers can only be redeemed from a PayPoint outlet. You can find your nearest PayPoint outlet by searching on the PayPoint website.
  10. I believe I should have received payment and haven’t, who do I contact?
    A. You should use our enquiry form.

If you have any other questions about free school meals during the weekend from November 2022 – March 2023 use our enquiry form.



Helpline Letter




SLC have also created a debt helpline


South Lanarkshire Council are pleased to announce some new financial supports for families who have children or young people in school entitled to Free School Meals. This does not include those entitled to universal provision of P1-3 meals.



This is a one-off payment of £100 to help families of children entitled to free school meals (excluding those entitled to universal provision of P1-4 meals) and clothing grants with winter costs such as food, fuel, and other essentials.  The payment is funded by the Scottish Government as part of its Winter Support Fund for low income households.

The Winter Support Payment is being provided to any child or young person who attends a South Lanarkshire Council school and whose parent/carer(s) are in receipt of a qualifying benefit and are therefore eligible for a means tested free school meal.  This payment is extended to include those parent/carer(s) who have children entitled to school clothing grants but who are not eligible for means tested free school meals.    

Although all P1-4 pupils receive a free school meal, the payments will principally be made if you get any of the following benefits and are therefore eligible for free school meals:

  • Income Support
  • Universal Credit (and your earned income is less than £625 as assessed by the Department for Work and Pensions in the assessment period immediately preceding the application for free school meals)
  • Job Seekers Allowance (income based)
  • Employment and Support Allowance (income related)
  • Child Tax Credit only (with a gross annual income less than £16,105 as assessed by HM Revenues and Customs on your Tax Credit Award Notice TC602)
  • Working Tax Credit and Child Tax credit (with a gross annual income less than £7,500) as assessed by HM Revenues and Customs on your Tax Credit Award Notice (TC602)
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

As mentioned above, the payment has been extended to include those parent/carer(s) with children eligible for clothing grants only.  You do not have to apply. If you are eligible the payment will automatically be paid by Wednesday 22 December 2021.

The payment will be made direct into your bank account using bank details we already have from making the footwear and clothing grant payments, along with the Covid-19 support payments earlier this year. 

In exceptional circumstances we may pay by cheque.

Q. Who is eligible to receive a Winter Support Payment?
A. Any child or young person eligible for free school meals through means testing, i.e. whose parent/carer(s) are in receipt of a qualifying benefit, who attends primary or secondary school (including ASN schools), as well as those parent/carer(s) whose children are in receipt of clothing grant only. For more information on whether you are eligible, see the Free School Meals and School Clothing Grants pages. 

Q. Are all children in P1-P4 eligible for the Winter Support Payment?
A. No. Although, all P1 to P4 pupils automatically get a free school meal you will only get this payment if you get any of the benefits listed above or if your child is in receipt of clothing grant only.  For more information on whether you are eligible, see the Free School Meals and School Clothing Grants pages. 

Q. Does the Winter Support Payment include pre-school aged children?
A. No, pre-school aged children are not eligible for this payment. The Scottish Child Payment is available for children under the age of 6 – to find out more about this and to apply please visit Scottish Child Payment -

Q. Do I need to apply for the Winter Support Payment?
A. No. The payment will be made direct into your bank account using bank details we already have from making the footwear and clothing grant payments, along with the Covid-19 support payments earlier this year.  In exceptional circumstances, we may pay by cheque.

Q. When will I receive the payment?
A. We aim to have payments issued by Wednesday 22 December 2021.

Q. Will I get a payment for each of my children?
A. Yes, you will receive a payment for each eligible child or young person.

Q. Will this payment affect my claim for Universal Credit?
A. If you receive Universal Credit, then this payment will be counted as Capital.  This will not normally affect the amount you receive unless you have savings or other Capital totalling over £6,000.  If you are concerned that this payment could impact your Universal Credit award, you should report the payment in your journal by signing in to your Universal Credit account or by calling the Universal Credit helpline on 0800 328 5644.

This payment will be disregarded in full for other benefits and for income tax purposes.

Q. Where can I find further information on the Winter Support Fund?
A. For further information on the Winter Support Fund, please visit the Scottish Government website. 

Q. I believe I should have received this payment but haven’t.  Who should I contact?
A. You should use our enquiry form.

If you have any other questions about the Winter Support Payment use our enquiry form




The Scottish Government has provided the council with funding for pupils who get free school meals (excluding those entitled to universal provision of P1-4 meals) for the following school holidays:

  • Christmas break 2021
  • February 2022 mid-term break
  • Spring break 2022

In line with the level of funding provided to us by the Scottish Government, the Christmas/New Year holiday payment (covering 23 December 2021 – 4 January 2022) will be made on Friday 17 December 2021.

Payment dates for future holiday periods will be confirmed nearer the time. 

Although all P1-4 pupils receive a free school meal in school, in line with Scottish Government funding arrangements the payments referred to above will only be made if you get any of the following benefits and are therefore eligible for free school meals:

  • Income Support
  • Universal Credit (and your earned income is less than £625 as assessed by the Department for Work and Pensions in the assessment period immediately preceding the application for free school meals)
  • Job Seekers Allowance (income based)
  • Employment and Support Allowance (income related)
  • Child Tax Credit only (with a gross annual income less than £16,105 as assessed by HM Revenues and Customs on your Tax Credit Award Notice TC602)
  • Working Tax Credit and Child Tax credit (with a gross annual income less than £7,500) as assessed by HM Revenues and Customs on your Tax Credit Award Notice (TC602)
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

The payment will be made direct into your bank account using bank details we already have from making the footwear and clothing grant payments, along with the Covid-19 support payments earlier this year.

In exceptional circumstances we may pay by cheque or PayPoint voucher.

Q. Who is eligible to receive a free school meal payment during the school summer holiday period?
A. Any household with a child or young person eligible for free school meals who get any of the benefits listed above. This includes primary, secondary and ASN schools. For more information on whether you are eligible, see the Free school meals page.

Q. Are all children in P1-P4 eligible for this payment?
A. No. Although all P1 to P4 pupils automatically get a free school meal in school, in line with Scottish Government funding arrangements you will only get this payment if you get any of the benefits listed above. For more information on eligibility see the Free school meals page.

Q. Does this payment include nursery children?
A. No, nursery aged children are currently not legally entitled to free school meals. The current statutory entitlement is 600 hours per year and does not include the provision of food. 

Q. When will I receive my payments?
A. We aim to have payments issued by Friday 17 December 2021. Payment dates for future holiday periods will be confirmed nearer the time. 

Q. Will I get a payment for each of my children?
A. Yes, you will receive a payment for each eligible child or young person.

Q. Do I need to apply for this payment?
A. No. The payment will be made direct into your bank account using bank details we already have from making the footwear and clothing grant payments, along with the Covid-19 support payments earlier this year. In exceptional circumstances we may pay by cheque or PayPoint voucher.

Q. How long do I have to cash-in my PayPoint voucher?
A. The voucher is valid for 1 month from the date of issue.

Q. How do I redeem my PayPoint voucher?
A. Your voucher can be redeemed for cash at any PayPoint outlet, of which there are more than 100 across South Lanarkshire. You can find your nearest PayPoint outlet by searching on the PayPoint website.

Q. Can I cash my PayPoint voucher online?
A. No. PayPoint payment vouchers can only be redeemed from a PayPoint outlet. You can find your nearest PayPoint outlet by searching on the PayPoint website.

Q. I believe I should have received payment and haven’t, who do I contact?
A. You should use our enquiry form.

If you have any other questions about free school meals during school holidays use our enquiry form.


To apply for the following, click on the links below

Free School Meals

Clothing Grant


North Lanarkshire families apply for these benefits via NLC at

NLC Free meals and clothing grant


Education Maintenance Grants

Who can get an EMA (eligibility)

EMAs are available to eligible people aged 16 to 19 who have reached school leaving age.

To be eligible, you have to meet the following criteria:


You need to have what's known as 'ordinary residence' to be eligible for EMA.

Ordinary residence means you live in one place, but there is a complicated set of rules that decide whether you're ordinarily resident in Scotland, with different arrangements in place for different immigration statuses.

Household income

Your household income will also determine if you're eligible for EMA. Household income is the income of your parent(s) or carer(s) who live with you.

To qualify, households with one dependent child must be earning £24,421 per year or less, and households with more than one dependent child must be earning £26,884 or less, before tax.

Dependent children are those up to the age of 16 and those between the age of 16 and 25 in full time further or higher education.


As well as the above, you can only qualify for EMA if you're either:

  • attending school full time
  • taking part in a learning agreement/action plan (previously known as an activity agreement)
  • on a full or part-time non-advanced course in a college or education centre.


 Apply here at

Applying for an EMA

We also have a section on our website to assist you in preparing quick, simple, healthy and cheap family meals and food using simple, available ingredients. They can be found here;

Storecupboard Meals