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South Lanarkshire

South Lanarkshire is the home Local Authority of the SLC Visual Impairment (Education) and it one of the 32 unitary authorities of Scotland. It borders the south-east of the City of Glasgow and contains some of Greater Glasgow's suburbs. It also contains many towns and villages. It shares borders with the City of Glasgow, Dumfries and Galloway, East Ayrshire, East Renfrewshire, North Lanarkshire, the Scottish Borders and West Lothian.


CVI Scotland

The CVI Scotland website provides information about Cerebral Visual Impairments and it is a resource which is designed to share and develop understanding of CVI.


The Visual Impairment Network for Children & Young People managed by NHS National Services Scotland started in April 2014 with the aim to improve the care for children and young people with visual impairments.

Scotland & RNIB

Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) is a charity offering information, support and advice to people with sight loss. They can provide advice and practical guidance on living with sight loss.


Visibility provides services such as information, training and support for anyone living with sight loss. They organise a variety of age-appropriate social and sporting activities to bring young people together in a supported and stimulating environment including baby and toddler groups, mobility training and family days.

Call Scotland

Provides specialist expertise in technology for children who have speech, communication and/or writing difficulties, in schools across Scotland. There are excellent links to ideas for using iPads to encourage communication and development.

Scottish Sensory Centre

The Scottish Sensory Centre promotes and supports new developments and effective practices in the education of children and young people with sensory impairments, that is; visual impairment, deaf and deafblind. It achieves this by means of CPD short courses, conferences, research and providing a postal resource library; and by dissemination of reports, research, course materials and new developments via this website, publications and presentations.

The SSC collaborates with: education authorities; schools and groups of teachers; voluntary organisations; parents’ groups; young people themselves.


VICTA provides support to children and young people who are blind or partially sighted and their families. VICTA was founded in 1987 by a group of parents who came together to support each other with the day-to-day issues of looking after a visually impaired child. They provided emotional support and worked together to ensure that their children were given the same opportunities as sighted children. They also supported each other in obtaining the right educational provision for their children.


Blind Children UK, formerly National Blind Children's Society, is the leading charity for children and young people with sight loss.

Help children and their families tackle the challenges of young sight loss so that they can enjoy their childhood and realise their potential as adults. They believe that no child should feel isolated and afraid or be deprived of a full life just because they can’t see. They help children and young adults with sight loss to be all they can be, and to live as independently as possible. There are around 40,000 children and young people in the UK who have a vision impairment. Blind Children UK is here to give them the skills, confidence and support they need.