The Hub (SDS)
In partnership with Skills Development Scotland we have our own Careers Hub, permanently staffed by our own SDS Officers, Veronica and Gavin.
School Careers Advisers - Veronica and Gavin
Hello! Most of you will already know us from our consistent guest appearances at parents’ evenings and other school events. For those of you that don’t, we are in school every day and Monday – Thursday there is a drop in at lunch time each week, we also provide 1:1 Careers Guidance and group work activity for pupils from S1 to S4. We are always available to support our young people through study time and after exam results.
The world of work in changing fast. New opportunities pop up every day, and these days, you’re unlikely to be in a job for life and it’s important to be ready to face unexpected changes. Having the right information, or knowing how to get it, helps when you need to make decisions about what to do. With the help of our pupil My World of Work Ambassadors all pupils will complete registrations and be shown how to use the website to personalise their Accounts, and I would recommend the parent resources to help you help your child particularly during Subject Choices. Find out more @
FOCUS: Work Based Learning
I would like to highlight the topic of Work Based Learning and the online information and resources that are available for pupils and parents to find out more. Pupils are learning about this route to a career in school as the Apprenticeship route offers the opportunity to be in employment and earn a salary whilst working towards a range of Scottish Vocational Qualifications up to Degree level. There have been many changes over the years and you can find out about Foundation, Modern and Graduate Apprenticeships @
The website is also an employment portal for currently recruiting Modern and Graduate Apprenticeships. The website is updated with new opportunities daily and well worth a look.
I hope that this has been useful and I look forward to meeting you at future events and parents’ evenings and should you wish to make contact you can get us at, and or contact us by telephoning the school. Twitter - @UGSCareersHub
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