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STEM - CREST Discovery Awards


CREST Discovery Awards

In February 2017 40 Second year pupils achieved a Bronze CREST Award for taking part in STEM activities during Numeracy day.  One activity was run by Mrs Miles where the pupils build bridges.

One was run by Mrs Campbell and supported by STEM Ambassadors from Jacobs and called the Faraday Challenge.

Well done to all pupils for participating so enthusiastically:


Silver CREST Award

Our Science Advanced Higher pupils through there project work achieved a Silver CREST Award. A great achievement which recognises the hard work carried out through their 6th year.

Well done to these pupils:



Gold CREST Award

Our baccalaureate pupils Heather Smyth achieved the prestigious Gold CREST Award for her hard work during her Baccalaureate project, many congratulations to her.