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S1 Exercise 9: Commas






Commas can be used to:

Separate the items in a list, e.g.   They bought apples, pears, bananas and cherries.

Add extra information to a sentence, e.g. Libby, last year’s prize winner, hoped she

            would win again.

Separate speech from the rest of a sentence, e.g. She replied, “I don’t want it”.

Make the meaning clear, e.g. After swerving round a corner that was very tight, the

            cyclist crashed to the ground.



TASK1 : Copy the sentences into your Jotter Put commas where they are needed.


  1. For breakfast he had chips peas kippers pasta and cornflakes.
  2. I came I was I conquered.
  3. Giggs the United striker scored the winning goal.
  4. “Friends Romans countrymen lend me your ears” shouted Mark Antony.
  5. Well you’ve done it now haven’t you Steve?
  6. Does your Dad know you’re here Kevin?
  7. The film is as anyone can see full of humour ghosts battles and murders.
  8. Abraham Lincoln President of the United States was assassinated by an actor.
  9. “I’ve no idea” she said “what you’re talking about”.


TASK 2: Copy and Insert commas where they are required in the following extract.


Oscar Wilde when he was asked what work he’d done in the morning said “I spent it putting in a comma”.   When asked what he’d done in the afternoon he replied “I spent it taking the comma out”.


TASK 3: Copy and Insert or take out commas in these sentences to change their meanings.


  1. Did you call Alex?
  2. Mrs Davis, the teacher, is late.
  3. After he had finished punching the boxer John wiped his brow.
  4. James was eating a sandwich Judith watched by the crowd.