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S1 Exercise 8: Parts of Speech Revision





TASK 1. Read these two sentences and then list the ALL the parts of speech in your jotter.


     She was a tall girl with blue eyes.   Her hair hung loosely over her shoulders.


     Two verbs:


     Four nouns:


     One adverb:


     Two adjectives:


     One pronoun:


     Two prepositions:


TASK 2: In your jotter, name the part of speech for each numbered word.


“It (1) was (2) a bright (3) cold day (4) in April, and (5) the clocks were striking thirteen.  Winston Smith, his chin nuzzled into (6) his breast in an effort (7) to escape the vile (8) wind, slipped (9) quickly (10) through the glass (11) doors of Victory Mansions (12).”



TASK 3: Copy each sentence into your jotter and fill in the blanks and put the name of the part of speech at the end.


  1. Italy is in the ___________________________ of Europe



  1. Germany’s football _____________________ has been very successful.



  1. Paris is a/an _____________________ city.