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S1 Exercise 5: Adverbs






An adverb is a word which tells you more about a verb or how an action was done.

e.g.      She screamed loudly

            John phoned hurriedly


Adverbs can also tell you more about an adjective or another adverb.

e.g.       It was extremely cold

            She did very badly


Copy and complete in your jotter


TASK 1: What do you notice about the endings of many adverbs?







TASK 2: Improve the following sentences by adding adverbs, you may have more than one choice of where to put them as the example shows.


  1. He....SUDDENLY.... kicked his legs....VIGOROUSLY.... to get to the edge of the pond...QUICKLY.



  1. Anthea felt the basement was dark.



  1. Allan became nervous about the experiment that afternoon.



  1. Katherine walked round the supermarket.



  1. Anne worked for the approaching exam.



TASK 3: Now in your jotter CREATE AND WRITE DOWN 4 sentences of your own using interesting adverbs.