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S1 Exercise 4: Verbs





A verb is an action, or “doing” word, which tells us what happened.

e.g.      She screamed

            John phoned

            No one answered


A verb can also be about being, becoming or feeling.

e.g.        He is ill

             Sarah became upset

            | Luke felt gloomy


TASK 1: Copy the following passage filling in the missing verbs.   Try to make them as interesting as possible. Remember when you give the characters actions,  what you write has to make sense


“Rocky ___poured_______ some tea and ___buttered______ slices of bread and margarine for Suzie and  himself.   Suzie __________ without a word, _________ out of the window.   She  ____________   ____________ on the only chair at the table and Rocky __________ his food __________ up.   Neither Rocky nor Suzie _________ their outdoor clothes.   It __________ a cheerless, dirty room but neither Rocky nor Suzie paid much attention to it”.



TASK 2: Now write a sentence in your jotter for each of the following types of verb:




  1. Action



  1. Being



  1. Becoming



  1. Feeling