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S1 Exercise 3: Adjectives






An adjective is a word which tells us more about a noun or pronoun.

Adjectives are often known as describing words.

e.g.   A happy face

         He is sad.



TASK 1: Copy the passage into your jotter. Underline the adjectives writing A above them.



“Carrie had often dreamed about coming back.    In her dreams she was twelve years old again;  short, scratched legs in red socks and scuffed, brown sandals, walking along the narrow, dirt path at the side of the railway line to where it plunged down, off the high ridge, through the Druid’s Grove”.





Adjectives help to make a piece of writing more vivid and interesting.   The more descriptive an adjective is, the more interesting a piece of writing will be.



TASK 2: The adjectives in the following passage are underlined. Copy the passage into your jotter, removing the original adjective and replace it with a more helpful or descriptive one.



“Uncle Nick was old.    His stomach was fat and he breathed really loudly when he walked. His slippers were brown and his hair was grey.   His face was wrinkled and looked tired.  Beside him was a pile of newspapers and sweet wrappers”.