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S1 Exercise 24: Personification






Personification is a special kind of metaphor

Personification describes something which is not human as if it were human or had a human characteristic.

e.g.  The table groaned under the weight of the food.



TASK 1: Which of the following are ordinary metaphors and which are examples of personification?

Indicate your answer by writing the appropriate word in your jotter.



  1. The sun peered through the kitchen window.



  1. Lava nosed its way down the side of the volcano.



  1. Her heart exploded with joy when she saw the necklace.



  1. The leaves whispered as the wind wandered through the forest.



  1. The moon was a gleaming silver coin in the night sky.




TASK 2: Now explain why the following are examples of personification and whether it is a good description.



  1. The motorbike’s tyres screamed as he rounded the bend.




  1. The corridors grumbled as the pupils stampeded by.





  1. The clouds cried their tears over the mourners at the funeral.