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S1 Exercise 20: "To Have," Not "To Of."






There is no verb “to of” even though it might sound like that when you speak.

Do not write:  “I must of made a mistake”.

You should write:  “I must have made a mistake”.



TASK 1: Copy and correct the following passage.


The team should of gone to the sports field and if they had they would of had a great afternoon.   Their coach could of allowed them to practise shooting and they might of scored some goals.   They also would of avoided the janitor and wouldn’t of ended up picking up litter around the sports centre.



TASK 2: Copy and complete by filling in the gaps with the appropriate words.


  1. I would ______________ made a cake if I’d known you were coming. I can make  you a cup ______________ coffee though.



  1. Alison realised too late that she should ______________ taken her swimsuit if she wanted a chance _________________ trying out for the team.



  1. He took three ________________ the four plates but he could _____________   carried all four if he’d tried.



  1. You should _______________told me about the exam, then I could_______________ studied in advance.



  1. Janice would _________________ bought her a bunch of flowers if she’s known.