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S1 Exercise 2: Pronouns







A pronoun is a word which stands instead of a noun or a naming word.

e.g. I, he, she, it, they, us may be used instead of a person’s name or the name of an object.




TASK 1: Copy the passage into your jotter. Underline the nouns and pronouns in the following passage placing N above ordinary nouns, P above proper nouns and PN above pronouns.



“Too late then, Robbie remembered the promise he had given Nicol; and while Elspeth stared in astonishment at this outburst, he took to his heels and left her to bring the cows home by herself.   Not a word would he say to her afterwards, either, when she questioned him on what it had all meant, and he spent the next few days hoping she would not ask Nicol about it”.




TASK 2: Answer in your jotter


  1. In the passage above, what do the pronouns replace?
  2. Why has the writer used pronouns instead of nouns? What does it stop them from having to do?