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S1 Exercise 19: Whose/Who's







The words whose and who’s are often confused with each other as they sound similar but their meanings are different


Whose            =  belonging to whom             e.g. Whose jotter is this?

Who’s              =  who is (or who has)             e.g. Who’s going to the party?




TASK 1: Copy and Complete. Use the correct word from the box above to fill in the gaps in the following sentences



  1. _____________house are we meeting at tonight?



  1. My aunt ____________ seventy two, has seven cats



  1. I’m going to find out _______________ going to collect the prize



  1. I don’t know _________________ shoes they are



  1. ___________ dog is that following us?



TASK 2: Copy and correct the following passage. Underline your corrected word


I have a friend who’s older than me but she isn’t very sensible.   She’s the one who’s house I go to every Thursday evening after school. Last week she persuaded her little brother, whose only six, to do the dishes for her. When her father, whose a lawyer, realised that none of the dishes were cleaned properly he made her do the dishes every night for a week.   She’s not someone whose good at looking ahead and avoiding disaster.