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S1 Exercise 18: To/Too/Two






The words to, too and two are often muddled up with each other because they sound the same.

Their meanings are, however, completely different.


To = towards  e.g. to the zoo


Too = excessively  e.g. too hot


Two = the number 2  e.g. two brothers


TASK 1: Copy and correct the following passage using the correct to, too or two.


He went too the shops two buy to ice cream cones:  one for his mother and one for himself.   However he had two go too to shops because the first didn’t have any left.   After that he rushed home too eat it before it got to warm and to phone his friend too see if he wanted two go swimming.   The to of them agreed too meet at the corner between the too trees, where they always met.


TASK 2: Copy and complete. Put the correct word in the gap and explain below why it is the appropriate choice.


  1. I am going _______ the disco on Friday night.



  1. There are __________ choices: chocolate or vanilla



  1. The pavement was _________ hot to walk on in bare feet



  1. There are _________ many people in the room already



  1. Are you going __________ come with me or do I have _______ go alone?



  1. You’ve not bought _______ have you? One was enough.



  1. I don’t want __________ do it because I’m afraid of heights



  1. He’s going __________ so you won’t be on your own.