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S1 Exercise 17: Where/Were/We're




Where were and we’re are words which are often confused with each other.

The pronunciation of the words is slightly different which can help to differentiate

between them.


Where  - rhymes with air     = in what place           e.g. Where is it?

Were     - rhymes with fur    = past tense of are      e.g. We were lost

We’re   - rhymes with beer  = we are                      e.g. We are too tired




Task 1: Copy and Complete. Use the correct word to fill in the blanks in the following passage.


     We WERE going to Spain for our holidays _________it would be lovely and hot but ___________ going to go to Ireland instead to visit the castles. ______________ hoping to rent a cottage  ____________ we can relax in the peace and quiet of the countryside.   We ____________ told about a lovely village just outside Dublin ___________ we could go horse riding, swimming and canoeing if ______________ feeling lively, so __________ hoping it will be fun.



TASK 2: Copy and correct all the where, wear, we’re, were errors in the following passage.


We have a dog who loves it when were in the garden.  If where outside and he can see us he scratches at the glass door until we let him join us. The garden is a place we’re he loves to play and he will bring a toy and drop it at our feet if we’re ignoring him.   He has a favourite spot, under a bush, were he runs to hide if we chase him, as he knows where too tall to follow him.