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S1 Exercise 16: Your/You're




The words your and you’re are often confused because they sound so similar yet they have different meanings.


Your                 = belonging to you      e.g. That’s your problem

You’re              = you are                     e.g. You’re late again!



TASK1: Copy and complete. Indicate which word should be used by filling in the gaps in the passage.



Have you got ____YOUR_______ passport because ___YOU’RE___________ going to be very upset if you get there and ___________ refused entry because you forgot it. ______________ also going to have to take some clothes out of ______________suitcase or ____________ never going to be able to close it.   You could remove____________ big woollen jumper because I don’t think _____________ going to need it in Spain.



 TASK 2: Copy and leave out the words which are incorrect in the passage below. Underline the one you choose.



In your/you’re group you’ll find your/you’re one of many people who enjoy sports. So your/you’re likely to be able to form a team quite easily.   Your/you’re problem is going to be how to decide who plays in which position.   Your/you’re the group leader so your/you’re going to have to be quite firm about that.