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S1 Exercise 15: There/Their/They're






Although the words there, their and they’re often sound the same when said out loud they mean very different things.

It is important to use the correct one in your writing


There = in that place e.g. over there


Their = of them or belonging to them e.g. taking their time


They’re = they are e.g. they’re off



TASK 1: Copy and complete /Put the correct word in the gaps in the following sentence.


1)   __________ late again


2) Put your shoes __________ on the mat before you come in.


3) Have you noticed __________ garden? It’s stunning!


4) I went __________ on holiday one year but my parents lost _________ luggage and ________ was a long delay before it was returned.


5) _________ going to take me to the theatre in _________ new car and when we get ___________ I’m going to buy them all _________ favourite flavour of ice cream.


6) Have you asked them_________ names or are you going to get them to write them ___________ on __________ badges?


7) __________ wasn’t one person _________ who took_________camera. __________ going to be so disappointed.


8) Graeme, you tell them _________ jobs for the day and I’ll get __________lunches ready in case _________ hungry early.