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S1 Exercise 14: Spelling Revision




Revise the “Say As You Spell” spelling rules


TASK 1: Now use what you have learned to help you unscramble these scrambled words in your jotter. The word you have been given is a clue to help you work out the meaning of the word.



Naughtiness = HIFMSCEI = mischief


     Grab = EZISE =


     Favoured =DRRREEEPF =


     Accept= VEEERCI =


     Abroad = INGROFE =


     Holy = SUOIGILER =


     Rule of a King = GRINE =


     Sticking with something = MENMICOMTT


     Happened = DERRUCCO =


     Good feelings of anticipation = EEECIMNTTX =




TASK 2: Copy and Correct the spelling errors in the following passage.


John recieved several birthday presents that morning.   The most excitting thing which occured was that his Uncle gave him a space ship which he raced around his bedroom while imaginning it orbitting the earth.


After quarreling, his parents offerred to take him to the cinema which meant canceling their meetings and sufferring the queues for tickets.  The advertissing in the cinema foyer was targetted at the younger generation.  John became over excitted in the beleif that his parents were planing to purchase everything, to avoid the greif of him crying through the film.   He was disappointted.