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S1 Exercise 13: Spelling (2)




TASK 1:  Copy and complete. Apply the rule for doubling consonants when adding vowel endings.


Say the words first.


  1. Add –ing to each of these Decide whether you need to double the last letter or not to complete the word.


Refer__                                         orbit___                                  quarrel___


Omit___                                        confer___                                offer____


  1. Add –ed to each of these Decide whether you need to double the last letter or not to complete the word.


Suffer___                                      offer___                                  cancel___


Expel____                                     target___                                admit____


D.         “C” And “G”:  The Soft And The Hard

To keep a “c” or “g” soft (like a “s” or “j” sound) before –able, or –ous the

silent e stays. e.g. noticeable, manageable courageous

To keep a “c” hard (a “k” sound) before –ing, -ed insert a “k”.

e.g. panicked, picnicking


TASK 2:  Copy and complete. Apply the soft and hard “c” and  “g” rules to fill in the gaps with the correct letters to complete the word.


outrag _____ us         notic ______ble          service _____ble          mimic ______ d