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S1 Exercise 12: Spelling (1)




Pronouncing words can often help you spell them.


A.         “ie” or “ei”?

            Say the word.   Is there a long “eee” sound?

            If the word has an “eee” sound put “ie”:  believe, field.

            If the “eee” comes after “c” put “ei”:  ceiling , receive.

            If there is no “eee” sound put “ei”:  weigh, height.

            Beware:  there are exceptions e.g. friend, weird, seize.

            A popular way of remembering the basic rule is “i before e except after c”.


TASK 1: Copy and complete Apply the ie/ei rule to the following.


rec ______ ve      n _______ce        rel _______ve    gr _______ f     bel _______ f


conc ______ted    dec ______ ve      pr _______ st    n ______ghbours


B.         Short And Long Vowels

            The vowels are a e i o u

            In some words the vowel sound is short e.g. hop, tap.

            In some words the vowel sound is long e.g. hope , tape.

            (The silent “e” tells you that the vowel sound is long)

            See what happens when endings that begin with a vowel are added to these.

            (e.g. –ing or –ed)


TASK 2: Copy and Complete . Apply the rule for adding vowel endings to short and long vowels


Add –ing to each of the following. Decide whether you need to double the last letter or not to complete the word


plan ____  bar ____    stare ____ star ____  slope ____   recite ____


Add –ed to each of the following. Decide whether you need to double the last letter or not to complete the word


     wrap _____      bribe ___      pine ____ skim ____ pin ___  excite ___