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S1 Exercise 11: Apostrophes for Omission






Apostrophes can be used to show where there has been an omission (letters have been missed out), or contraction (where a word has been shortened).


When a word is shortened the apostrophe shows where the letter(s) have been missed out.

e.g.      I am = I’m

            Does not = doesn’t

            They are = they’re


Task 1: Complete. Write the contracted forms as alternatives in the spaces in the passage below.



I do not _______don’t_________ see how we are _________________ going to get a team for tomorrow’s match.  Gill cannot ________________ play, Sue has  _________________ an Achilles’ heel injury and will not ________________ be fit for weeks and Anne has_______________ got to go for a job interview.  It is  ________________ sickening,  is it not _____________ ?  They are __________ the key players, are they not _________________ ?  I would have  ___________ asked Betty but no one has ____________ seen her for ages and there is ______ nobody else I can think of.   Let us _____________ face it, it does not  _________ look as if we have __________________ a chance of fielding a full side.