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S1 Exercise 10: Apostrophes for Ownership






An apostrophe can be used to show who or what is the owner of something.


If the owner is singular (only one) put an apostrophe and then add an “s” e.g. Tom’s cat = the cat belonging Tom.


If the owner is plural (more than one) and ends in “s” put an apostrophe after the “s” e.g. The cats’ home =  the home belonging to more than one cat


If the plural does not end in “s” put an apostrophe and then add “s”

e.g. The children’s games = the games belonging to more than one child


If a name ends in “s” and is more than one syllable just put an apostrophe after the name, e.g. Moses’ basket



TASK 1: In your jotter, re-write these, using apostrophes to show the owners.


e.g. the skin of the baby = the baby’s skin


  1. The paw of the monkey =


  1. The paws of the monkeys =


  1. A holiday lasting a week =


  1. The exhausts of the lorries =


  1. The votes of the people =


  1. The disciples belonging to Jesus =


  1. The clothes belonging to the children =


  1. The shop belonging to the baker =


  1. The wife of the Prime Minister =


  1. The dog belonging to James =