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Nurture: Our nurturing school

Uddingston Grammar School has delivered strong, supportive nurturing approaches for many years for our pupils and we are committed to developing this further through our Whole School Nurturing Approach.

At Uddingston Grammar we recognise that positive relationships are central to both learning and wellbeing. 

A nurturing approach has a key focus on our school environment and emphasises the balance between care and challenge.  We strive to forge warm positive relationships alongside structure, high expectations and a focus on achievement and attainment.

Nurturing approaches are based on the understanding of 6 core principles:

  • All our young people’s learning is understood developmentally
  • Our school environment offer a safe place for all young people
  • Nurture and nurturing relationships are important for the development of wellbeing
  • Language is a vital means of communication
  • All behaviour is communication
  • Transitions are important in young people’s lives

A Whole School Nurturing approach at Uddingston Grammar is universal.  We aim to promote inclusive, respectful relationships across our whole school community, including learners, staff parents/carers and our partners.

At Uddingston Grammar School, our nurturing approach is deeply rooted in our core values: Compassion, Ambition, Respect, Equity, and Success. This approach is in harmony with both the principles outlined in Education Scotland's publication 'Applying Nurture as a Whole School Approach' and the strategic directions of South Lanarkshire Council's Education Resources Plan for 2023-24.

Under Compassion, our commitment aligns with Education Scotland's emphasis on positive relationships and attachment theory, as fundamental to learning and wellbeing (see "A nurturing approach", Paragraphs 1-3 in Education Scotland's document). This is further supported by the Education Resources Plan's focus on equity and closing the attainment gap, particularly for students from disadvantaged backgrounds (refer to "Key areas of focus for the year ahead", Section Two in the Council's Plan).

In fostering Ambition, we draw from both documents: Education Scotland's guidelines on nurturing approaches to support behaviour and achievement (see "Guidance on nurturing approach", Paragraphs 6-8), and the Council's Plan emphasis on improving literacy, numeracy, and developing skills for learning, life, and work (refer to "Resource Outcomes", Section Three).

Respect is a key aspect of our ethos, reflected in our adoption of Education Scotland's framework on inclusive, respectful relationships across the school community (see "Key Values", Paragraphs 9-11 in Education Scotland's document), and echoed in the Council's Plan's commitment to inclusive education (see "Measures and actions", Section Four).

Addressing Equity, we recognise the importance of closing the attainment gap as outlined in both the National Improvement Framework (refer to "National Improvement Framework", Paragraphs 12-14 in Education Scotland's document) and the Council’s Plan's strategic priorities for equity and poverty reduction (refer to "Resourcing the Plan", Section Five).

Finally, in pursuit of Success, our approach is guided by both Education Scotland's emphasis on Health and Wellbeing as a 'Responsibility of All' (see "Learning in Health and Wellbeing", Paragraphs 15-17), and the Council's Plan's focus on using data effectively for better outcomes in student wellbeing (refer to "Consultation and Engagement", Section Two).

In conclusion, Uddingston Grammar School's nurturing approach, informed by both Education Scotland and South Lanarkshire Council's Education Resources Plan, embodies our core values and is pivotal in providing an outstanding educational experience for all our students.

 We welcome you to be part of Our Nurturing School