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Higher Coaching

Course overview

The aim of this course is to help you develop the knowledge and skills to able to able to deliver effective coaching sessions through 2 sports.  

What units will I complete? 

The course is split into three different sections which will be completed throughout the year.  

  • Coaching of Sport: An Introduction (16 SCQF credits)
  • Higher Performance Unit  (8 SCQF credits)  
  • Mental Health in Sport Certificate  

What else will I do?

  •      You will be assessed on your coaching sessions and ability to be a quality coach.  
  •      You will be assessed practically in 2 activities up to a Higher level standard.  

Standards and Expectations 

Throughout the year and for each lesson you are expected to; 

  • Come fully prepared to listen and learn
  • Work co-operatively with my classmates as an effective team  
  • Commit fully to the course by asking questions and acting on feedback  
  • Most importantly, enjoy the course and take as much from it as you can